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GuideofUS.com and Guide of US, LLC Disclaimer

We have made our best efforts to ensure that the material found within the GuideofUS.com web site is both useful and accurate. However, please be aware that we cannot completely guarantee the accuracy or description of any location, business establishment, accommodation, or activity found on this site, and that neither the individual article authors nor Guide of US, LLC make any guarantees concerning the accuracy of the information found here or in the use to which it may be put. The authors and Guide of US, LLC do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.

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Please note that because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of certain warranties and/or the exclusion or limitation of liability for certain types of damages, some of the preceding disclaimer on GuideofUS.com, exclusion and limitation may not apply to you. In such event, please see the section below entitled "Restriction on Use Based on Location."

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Information Accuracy

While we always attempt to keep our website information current and relevant, some of the information found on the GuideofUS.com website may have changed from the time it was initially posted. This includes, but is not limited to, such information as: telephone numbers, admission prices, business hours, website links, and the condition of all natural attractions (including beaches) found throughout the United States.